Green Connect

Dr. Sivakumar’s Sustainable Living: A Decade of Green Connect Biogas Revolutionizes Cooking and Gardening

In a remarkable display of sustainable living, Dr. Sivakumar, a resident of Ponnamapet, Salem, has successfully embraced the benefits of Green Connect Biogas for over ten years. As one of the first customers of Green Connect, Dr. Sivakumar has transformed his cooking and gardening practices, setting a shining example of eco-friendly living in his community.

Dr. Sivakumar’s commitment to a greener lifestyle is evident in his daily use of biogas as a cooking fuel. With a family of six, the household generates approximately 1kg to 2kg of food waste per day, which is expertly channeled into the Green Connect biogas plant. This innovative system efficiently converts the organic waste into renewable biogas, enabling Dr. Sivakumar to cook meals for his family using a sustainable and environmentally friendly fuel source.

The byproduct of the biogas production process, known as digestate, has proven to be a valuable asset for his home garden. By utilizing this nutrient-rich residue as a natural fertilizer, he has cultivated a thriving garden without the need for additional chemical additives. His commitment to organic gardening practices has created a lush and vibrant space, serving as a testament to the power of sustainable waste management.

Dr. Sivakumar emphasizes the ease of maintenance associated with the Green Connect biogas plant. While occasional challenges arise during heavy rainfall, such as minor water accumulation, the plant’s design allows for simple removal of stagnant water. Additionally, he commends the safety measures incorporated into the system, assuring that any gas leaks quickly dissipate harmlessly into the atmosphere.

The biogas model adopted by him is one of the pioneering designs developed by Green Connect, constructed using durable high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material. His story serves as an inspiration for others to explore eco-friendly alternatives and embrace greener practices in their daily lives. As Green Connect continues to innovate and provide environmentally friendly solutions to communities, Dr. Sivakumar’s experience reinforces the importance of sustainable living for a cleaner and more sustainable future.