Anaerobic digestion (AD) is crucial for advancing the circular economy in India by converting organic waste into biogas and digestate. India generates 68.7 million tonnes of municipal waste annually, with 40-60% being organic, making AD a vital process for resource recovery and sustainability.
Biogas Production and Renewable Energy Biogas, composed of 50-75% methane, is a key output of AD. India’s biogas production has expanded through initiatives like the National Biogas and Manure Management Programme (NBMMP) and SATAT, with over 5 million small-scale plants by 2021. SATAT aims to establish 5,000 compressed biogas (CBG) plants by 2025, with a production capacity of 15 million tonnes annually. These plants could replace 50 million liters of diesel and power 18 million households, enhancing energy security and reducing fossil fuel dependency.
Carbon Neutrality Impact Replacing fossil fuels with biogas from 5,000 CBG plants could cut 5 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, supporting India’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. Additionally, diverting organic waste from landfills reduces methane emissions, further contributing to carbon neutrality.
Digestate as a Sustainable Fertilizer Digestate, another byproduct of AD, is a nutrient-rich fertilizer. For every tonne of organic waste processed, 0.8 tonnes of digestate is produced, providing a sustainable alternative to synthetic fertilizers. In rural India, digestate enhances soil fertility and supports organic farming, as seen in Tamil Nadu’s Namakkal district.
Waste Diversion and Emissions Reduction AD helps divert organic waste from landfills, significantly cutting methane emissions. For instance, Pune’s biomethanation plant processes 300 tonnes of organic waste daily. The 5,000 new CBG plants will further reduce methane emissions and improve waste management, aligning with India’s climate commitments.
Contribution to the Circular Economy AD supports the circular economy by converting waste into renewable energy and fertilizers, reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions while boosting energy security and sustainable agriculture. Through initiatives like SATAT and NBMMP, AD plays a vital role in India’s journey toward carbon neutrality and long-term sustainability.